8. Weather Data¶
This chapter describes how the SOSPilot platform as developed initially for Air Quality data can be reused to incorporate (historical) weather data. This has been performed using Open Data from the Dutch Meteorological Institute (KNMI). The nature of the data and the required steps are very similar to Air Quality data:
- obtaining raw source data: both time-series measurements and (georeferenced) stations
- data transformation (ETL)
- providing OWS services: WMS-(Time), WFS and SOS
- visualizing via Clients
See also https://github.com/Geonovum/sospilot/issues/17
8.1. Source Data¶
Via http://data.knmi.nl many Open Data sets are available. For our purpose we need:
- georeferenced station data
- (historical) measurements data
8.1.1. Stations¶
The station data can be found via https://data.knmi.nl/portal/KNMI-DataCentre.html, the dataset name is
Within a .tar file the file STD___OPER_P___OBS_____L2.nc
is present.
The format is tricky: a NetCDF (Network Common Data Form) file (.nc extension).
To get the file:
- get metadata XML from data info popup: https://data.knmi.nl/webservices/metadata/getDatasetMetadataXML?datasetName=waarneemstations&datasetVersion=1
- extract Atom URL from metadata XML: http://data.knmi.nl/inspire/atom?dataset=urn:xkdc:ds:nl.knmi::waarneemstations/1/
- extract download URL from Atom: http://data.knmi.nl/inspire/download/waarneemstations/1/noversion/0000/00/00/STD___OPER_P___OBS_____L2.nc.zip
- unzip to
See ETL below how to further handle this data.
8.1.2. Measurements¶
Historical data per station per decade can be found at http://www.knmi.nl/klimatologie/uurgegevens.
The .zip files contain a .CSV file with all hourly measurements for a station, e.g.
the file uurgeg_275_2011-2020.txt
contains measurements for station 275 (Deelen) between
2011 and 2020, in practice all measurements between 2011 and the day before today until 24:00.
URLs remain constant and are directly accessible, for example for Deelen (station 275):
Example contents of uurgeg_275_2011-2020.txt
on june 9, 2014.
YYYYMMDD = datum (YYYY=jaar,MM=maand,DD=dag) / date (YYYY=year,MM=month,DD=day)
HH = tijd (HH=uur, UT.12 UT=13 MET, 14 MEZT. Uurvak 05 loopt van 04.00 UT tot 5.00 UT / time (HH uur/hour, UT. 12
UT=13 MET, 14 MEZT. Hourly division 05 runs from 04.00 UT to 5.00 UT
DD = Windrichting (in graden) gemiddeld over de laatste 10 minuten van het afgelopen uur (360=noord, 90=oost,
180=zuid, 270=west, 0=windstil 990=veranderlijk. Zie http://www.knmi.nl/klimatologie/achtergrondinformatie/windroos.pdf /
Mean wind direction (in degrees) during the 10-minute period preceding the time of observation (360=north, 90=east,
180=south, 270=west, 0=calm 990=variable)
FH = Uurgemiddelde windsnelheid (in 0.1 m/s). Zie http://www.knmi.nl/klimatologie/achtergrondinformatie/beaufortschaal.pdf
/ Hourly mean wind speed (in 0.1 m/s)
FF = Windsnelheid (in 0.1 m/s) gemiddeld over de laatste 10 minuten van het afgelopen uur / Mean wind speed
(in 0.1 m/s) during the 10-minute period preceding the time of observation
FX = Hoogste windstoot (in 0.1 m/s) over het afgelopen uurvak / Maximum wind gust (in 0.1 m/s) during the
hourly division
T = Temperatuur (in 0.1 graden Celsius) op 1.50 m hoogte tijdens de waarneming / Temperature (in 0.1 degrees
Celsius) at 1.50 m at the time of observation
T10N = Minimumtemperatuur (in 0.1 graden Celsius) op 10 cm hoogte in de afgelopen 6 uur / Minimum temperature
(in 0.1 degrees Celsius) at 0.1 m in the preceding 6-hour period
TD = Dauwpuntstemperatuur (in 0.1 graden Celsius) op 1.50 m hoogte tijdens de waarneming / Dew point temperature
(in 0.1 degrees Celsius) at 1.50 m at the time of observation
SQ = Duur van de zonneschijn (in 0.1 uren) per uurvak, berekend uit globale straling (-1 for <0.05 uur)
/ Sunshine duration (in 0.1 hour) during the hourly division, calculated from global radiation (-1 for <0.05 hour)
Q = Globale straling (in J/cm2) per uurvak / Global radiation (in J/cm2) during the hourly division
DR = Duur van de neerslag (in 0.1 uur) per uurvak / Precipitation duration (in 0.1 hour) during the hourly division
RH = Uursom van de neerslag (in 0.1 mm) (-1 voor <0.05 mm) / Hourly precipitation amount (in 0.1 mm)
(-1 for <0.05 mm)
P = Luchtdruk (in 0.1 hPa) herleid naar zeeniveau, tijdens de waarneming / Air pressure (in 0.1 hPa)
reduced to mean sea level, at the time of observation
VV = Horizontaal zicht tijdens de waarneming (0=minder dan 100m, 1=100-200m, 2=200-300m,..., 49=4900-5000m,
50=5-6km, 56=6-7km, 57=7-8km, ..., 79=29-30km, 80=30-35km, 81=35-40km,..., 89=meer dan 70km) / Horizontal visibility
at the time of observation (0=less than 100m, 1=100-200m, 2=200-300m,..., 49=4900-5000m, 50=5-6km, 56=6-7km, 57=7-8km,
..., 79=29-30km, 80=30-35km, 81=35-40km,..., 89=more than 70km)
N = Bewolking (bedekkingsgraad van de bovenlucht in achtsten), tijdens de waarneming (9=bovenlucht onzichtbaar)
/ Cloud cover (in octants), at the time of observation (9=sky invisible)
U = Relatieve vochtigheid (in procenten) op 1.50 m hoogte tijdens de waarneming / Relative atmospheric humidity
(in percents) at 1.50 m at the time of observation
WW = Weercode (00-99), visueel(WW) of automatisch(WaWa) waargenomen, voor het actuele weer of het weer in het
afgelopen uur. Zie http://www.knmi.nl/klimatologie/achtergrondinformatie/ww_lijst_nederlands.pdf / Present weather code
(00-99), description for the hourly division. See http://www.knmi.nl/klimatologie/achtergrondinformatie/ww_lijst_engels.pdf
IX = Weercode indicator voor de wijze van waarnemen op een bemand of automatisch station (1=bemand gebruikmakend
van code uit visuele waarnemingen, 2,3=bemand en weggelaten (geen belangrijk weersverschijnsel, geen gegevens), 4=automatisch
en opgenomen (gebruikmakend van code uit visuele waarnemingen), 5,6=automatisch en weggelaten (geen belangrijk
weersverschijnsel, geen gegevens), 7=automatisch gebruikmakend van code uit automatische waarnemingen) / Indicator present
weather code (1=manned and recorded (using code from visual observations), 2,3=manned and omitted (no significant weather
phenomenon to report, not available), 4=automatically recorded (using code from visual observations), 5,6=automatically
omitted (no significant weather phenomenon to report, not available), 7=automatically set (using code from automated observations)
M = Mist 0=niet voorgekomen, 1=wel voorgekomen in het voorgaande uur en/of tijdens de waarneming /
Fog 0=no occurrence, 1=occurred during the preceding hour and/or at the time of observation
R = Regen 0=niet voorgekomen, 1=wel voorgekomen in het voorgaande uur en/of tijdens de waarneming /
Rainfall 0=no occurrence, 1=occurred during the preceding hour and/or at the time of observation
S = Sneeuw 0=niet voorgekomen, 1=wel voorgekomen in het voorgaande uur en/of tijdens de waarneming /
Snow 0=no occurrence, 1=occurred during the preceding hour and/or at the time of observation
O = Onweer 0=niet voorgekomen, 1=wel voorgekomen in het voorgaande uur en/of tijdens de waarneming /
Thunder 0=no occurrence, 1=occurred during the preceding hour and/or at the time of observation
Y = IJsvorming 0=niet voorgekomen, 1=wel voorgekomen in het voorgaande uur en/of tijdens de waarneming /
Ice formation 0=no occurrence, 1=occurred during the preceding hour and/or at the time of observation
# STN,YYYYMMDD, HH, DD, FH, FF, FX, T, T10, TD, SQ, Q, DR, RH, P, VV, N, U, WW, IX, M, R, S, O, Y
275,20110101, 1, 240, 30, 30, 40, 15, , 14, 0, 0, 0, 0,10217, 1, 1, 99, 34, 7, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0
275,20110101, 2, 250, 30, 40, 60, 18, , 17, 0, 0, 0, 0,10213, 2, 9, 99, 32, 7, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0
275,20110101, 3, 250, 40, 40, 70, 21, , 20, 0, 0, 0, 0,10210, 2, 5, 99, 33, 7, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0
275,20140708, 20, 330, 30, 30, 70, 131, , 125, 0, 2, 9, 2,10119, 65, 8, 96, 57, 7, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0
275,20140708, 21, 300, 30, 20, 50, 128, , 120, 0, 0, 8, 1,10118, 65, 8, 95, 57, 7, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0
275,20140708, 22, 300, 30, 30, 50, 128, , 120, 0, 0, 0, -1,10116, 65, 8, 95, 81, 7, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0
275,20140708, 23, 270, 20, 20, 40, 126, , 123, 0, 0, 0, -1,10115, 59, 8, 98, 61, 7, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0
275,20140708, 24, 270, 20, 20, 40, 127, 125, 122, 0, 0, 0, -1,10110, 61, 8, 97, 23, 7, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0
“Live” 10-minute data can be found via https://data.knmi.nl/portal/KNMI-DataCentre.html, but again in the NetCDF format. Though downloading is forced via an HTML page with attachment header popup.
Though direct download is possible via the following steps.
- Download the MetaData URL https://data.knmi.nl/webservices/metadata/getDatasetMetadataXML?datasetName=Actuele10mindataKNMIstations&datasetVersion=1
- In the XML an Atom Feed URL for download is found: http://data.knmi.nl/inspire/atom?dataset=urn:xkdc:ds:nl.knmi::Actuele10mindataKNMIstations/1
- The Atom Feed contains a download URL of the form: http://data.knmi.nl/inspire/download/Actuele10mindataKNMIstations/1/noversion/2014/07/09/KMDS__OPER_P___10M_OBS_L2.nc.zip
This pattern 2014/07/09/KMDS__OPER_P___10M_OBS_L2.nc.zip
looks like we could download any date
but in reality the current last 10 minutes are always downloaded. The contents of the contained NetCDF file are very similar to
the Stations .nc above.
$ ncdump KMDS__OPER_P___10M_OBS_L2.nc
netcdf KMDS__OPER_P___10M_OBS_L2 {
station = 47 ;
time = 1 ;
string station(station) ;
station:long_name = "Station id" ;
station:cf_role = "timeseries_id" ;
double time(time) ;
time:long_name = "time of measurement" ;
time:standard_name = "time" ;
time:units = "seconds since 1950-01-01 00:00:00" ;
string stationname(station) ;
stationname:long_name = "Station name" ;
double lat(station) ;
lat:long_name = "station latitude" ;
lat:standard_name = "latitude" ;
lat:units = "degrees_north" ;
double lon(station) ;
lon:long_name = "station longitude" ;
lon:standard_name = "longitude" ;
lon:units = "degrees_east" ;
double height(station) ;
height:long_name = "Station height" ;
height:standard_name = "height" ;
height:units = "m" ;
double dd(station) ;
dd:_FillValue = -9999. ;
dd:standard_name = "wind_from_direction" ;
dd:units = "degree" ;
dd:long_name = "Wind Direction 10 Min Average" ;
double ff(station) ;
ff:_FillValue = -9999. ;
ff:standard_name = "wind_speed" ;
ff:units = "m s-1" ;
ff:long_name = "Wind Speed at 10m 10 Min Average" ;
double gff(station) ;
gff:_FillValue = -9999. ;
gff:standard_name = "wind_speed_of_gust" ;
gff:units = "m s-1" ;
gff:long_name = "Wind Gust at 10m 10 Min Maximum" ;
double ta(station) ;
ta:_FillValue = -9999. ;
ta:standard_name = "air_temperature" ;
ta:units = "degrees Celsius" ;
ta:long_name = "Air Temperature 1.5m 10 Min Average" ;
double rh(station) ;
rh:_FillValue = -9999. ;
rh:standard_name = "relative_humidity" ;
rh:units = "%" ;
rh:long_name = "Relative Humidity 1.5m 1 Min Average" ;
double pp(station) ;
pp:_FillValue = -9999. ;
pp:standard_name = "air_pressure_at_sea_level" ;
pp:units = "hPa" ;
pp:long_name = "Air Pressure at Sea Level 1 Min Average" ;
double zm(station) ;
zm:_FillValue = -9999. ;
zm:standard_name = "visibility_in_air" ;
zm:units = "m" ;
zm:long_name = "Meteorological Optical Range 10 Min Average" ;
char iso_dataset ;
iso_dataset:title = "KMDS__OPER_P___10M_OBS_L2" ;
iso_dataset:abstract = "Most recent 10 minute in situ observations of the Dutch meteorological observation network" ;
iso_dataset:status = "ongoing" ;
iso_dataset:type = "dataset" ;
iso_dataset:uid = "c3a312e2-2d8f-440b-ae7d-3406c9fe2f77" ;
iso_dataset:topic = "atmosphere" ;
iso_dataset:keyword = "tbd" ;
iso_dataset:max-x = 10.f ;
iso_dataset:min-x = 0.f ;
iso_dataset:max-y = 60.f ;
iso_dataset:min-y = 40.f ;
iso_dataset:temporal_extent = "1950-01-01 and ongoing" ;
iso_dataset:date = "2013-10-10" ;
iso_dataset:dateType = "publication date" ;
iso_dataset:statement = "Most recent 10 minute in situ observations in situ observations of the Dutch meteorological observation network" ;
iso_dataset:code = "TBD" ;
iso_dataset:codeSpace = "EPSG" ;
iso_dataset:accessConstraints = "none" ;
iso_dataset:useLimitation = "none" ;
iso_dataset:organisationName_dataset = "Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI)" ;
iso_dataset:email_dataset = "data@knmi.nl" ;
iso_dataset:role_dataset = "pointOfContact" ;
iso_dataset:metadata_id = "fbfad5b9-1dd2-425e-bb35-c96386380c0e" ;
iso_dataset:organisationName_metadata = "Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI)" ;
iso_dataset:role_metadata = "pointOfContact" ;
iso_dataset:email_metadata = "data@knmi.nl" ;
iso_dataset:url_metadata = "http://data.knmi.nl" ;
iso_dataset:datestamp = "2010-11-01" ;
iso_dataset:language = "eng" ;
iso_dataset:metadataStandardName = "ISO 19115" ;
iso_dataset:metadataStandardNameVersion = "Nederlandse metadatastandaard op ISO 19115 voor geografie 1.2" ;
char product ;
product:units = "1" ;
product:long_name = "ADAGUC Data Products Standard" ;
product:ref_doc = "ADAGUC Data Products Standard" ;
product:ref_doc_version = "1.1" ;
product:format_version = "1.1" ;
product:originator = "Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI)" ;
product:type = "P" ;
product:acronym = "KMDS__OPER_P___10M_OBS_L2" ;
product:level = "L2" ;
product:style = "camelCase" ;
char projection ;
projection:EPSG_code = "EPSG:4326" ;
// global attributes:
:featureType = "timeSeries" ;
:Conventions = "CF-1.4" ;
:title = "KMDS__OPER_P___10M_OBS_L2" ;
:institution = "Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI)" ;
:source = "Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI)" ;
:history = "File created from KMDS ASCII file. " ;
:references = "http://data.knmi.nl" ;
:comment = "none" ;
station = "06201", "06203", "06204", "06205", "06206", "06207", "06208",
"06210", "06211", "06212", "06225", "06235", "06239", "06240", "06242",
"06248", "06249", "06251", "06257", "06258", "06260", "06267", "06269",
"06270", "06273", "06275", "06277", "06278", "06279", "06280", "06283",
"06286", "06290", "06310", "06319", "06330", "06340", "06343", "06344",
"06348", "06350", "06356", "06370", "06375", "06377", "06380", "06391" ;
time = 2036070000 ;
stationname = "D15-FA-1", "P11-B", "K14-FA-1C", "A12-CPP", "F16-A",
lat = 54.325666666667, 52.36, 53.269444444444, 55.399166666667,
54.116666666667, 53.614444444444, 53.491666666667, 52.170248689194,
53.824130555556, 52.918055555556, 52.462242867998, 52.926865008825,
54.853888888889, 52.315408447486, 53.240026656696, 52.632430667762,
52.642696895243, 53.391265948394, 52.505333893732, 52.648187308904,
52.098821802977, 52.896643913235, 52.457270486008, 53.223000488316,
52.701902388132, 52.0548617826, 53.411581103636, 52.434561756559,
52.749056395511, 53.123676213651, 52.067534268959, 53.194409573306,
52.27314817052, 51.441334059998, 51.224757511326, 51.990941918858,
51.447744494043, 51.891830906739, 51.960667359998, 51.969031121385,
51.564889021961, 51.857593837453, 51.449772459909, 51.658528382201,
51.196699902606, 50.905256257898, 51.497306260089 ;
lon = 2.93575, 3.3416666666667, 3.6277777777778, 3.8102777777778,
4.0122222222222, 4.9602777777778, 5.9416666666667, 4.4294613573587,
2.9452777777778, 4.1502777777778, 4.5549006792363, 4.7811453228565,
4.6961111111111, 4.7902228464686, 4.9207907082729, 5.1734739738872,
4.9787572406902, 5.3458010937365, 4.6029300588208, 5.4003881262577,
5.1797058644882, 5.383478899702, 5.5196324030324, 5.7515738887123,
5.8874461671401, 5.8723225499118, 6.1990994508938, 6.2589770334531,
6.5729701105864, 6.5848470019087, 6.6567253619722, 7.1493220605216,
6.8908745111116, 3.5958241584686, 3.8609657214986, 4.121849767852,
4.342014, 4.3126638323991, 4.4469005114756, 4.9259216999194,
4.9352386335384, 5.1453989235756, 5.3770039280214, 5.7065946674719,
5.7625447234516, 5.7617834850481, 6.1961067840608 ;
height = 42.7, 41.84, 41.8, 48.35, 43.4, 44, 40.5, -0.2, 45.7, 50.9, 4,
1.22, 50.6, -3.35, 10.79, 0.8, -2.4, 0.73, 8.5, 7.25, 1.9, -1.3, -3.66,
1.22, -3.35, 48.16, 2.9, 3.6, 15.82, 5.18, 29.07, -0.2, 34.75, 8.03,
1.68, 11.86, 19.2, 3.5, -4.27, -0.71, 14.94, 0.66, 22.56, 21.95, 30,
114.3, 19.5 ;
dd = 343.2, 320.3, 0, 355.8, 324.4, 339.8, 340.7, 337.7, 312.1, 331.9,
335.3, 330.9, 20.7, 336.6, 337, 326.4, 331.4, 338.6, _, 333.8, 338.7,
337.3, 333.2, 350.5, 331.2, 327.5, 352.6, 347.5, 323.4, 352, 325.3, 0.1,
326.5, 328.4, 328.1, 331.9, 328.8, 330.4, 333.4, 331.1, 336.4, 326.3,
337.1, 335.6, 327.8, 271.5, 331.3 ;
ff = 14.40063, 12.71024, 0, 7.480422, 10.61489, 9.930736, 7.767642, 12.29,
14.5523, 14.31887, 15.59, 7.77, 7.253119, 8.39, 12.31, 9.03, 8.82, 7.23,
_, 12.58, 4.92, 10.97, 6.88, 7.11, 4.99, 6.1, 8.76, 2.68, 4.29, 5.05,
2.43, 5.38, 3.07, 12.74, 10.74, 20.89, 7.5, 10.56, 6.14, 8.7, 8.39, 6.64,
7.09, 4.16, 5.21, 3.03, 2.88 ;
gff = 17.47643, 19.11437, 0, 8.184164, 12.64459, 11.1621, 9.07996, 16.54,
17.28121, 16.76123, 18.21, 13.3, 8.400682, 12.29, 14.35, 12.1, 11.92,
9.92, _, 14.85, 8.88, 13.42, 10.37, 9.32, 7.92, 8.99, 10.99, 5.07, 6.86,
7.26, 3.21, 7.75, 4.97, 19.26, 17.94, 23.88, 13.05, 14.12, 11.69, 11.75,
12.62, 10.78, 12.21, 7.4, 8.72, 5.03, 5.5 ;
ta = 15, 15.6, 15.5, 16, 15.9, 16.9, 18.2, 16, 14.9, 15.6, _, 16.7, 17.2,
16.3, 17.3, _, 16.6, 18.9, 16.2, _, 16.4, 18, 17.5, 20.9, 19.7, 17.2,
21.3, 20.3, 22.6, 24.4, 19, 26, 20.7, 15.4, 14.9, 15.5, 15.2, _, 15.7,
16.1, 15.8, 16.1, 16, 16.6, 15.9, 14.7, 17.2 ;
rh = 98, 87, 95, 97, 98, 96, 95, 95, 94, 95, _, 97, 92, 97, 95, _, 98, 91,
96, _, 97, 97, 97, 87, 93, 99, 82, 92, 88, 77, 97, 76, 90, 92, 94, 95,
94, _, 94, 96, 96, 95, 96, 97, 96, 99, 96 ;
pp = 1011.647, 1010.537, 1010.917, 1011.244, 1010.213, 1007.996, 1006.526,
1008.164, 1011.488, 0, _, 1007.934, 1009.975, 1007.509, 1007.941, _, _,
1007.273, _, _, 1007.118, _, 1006.237, 1006.516, _, 1005.847, _, _,
1005.052, 1005.169, _, _, 1004.474, 1010.052, 1010.173, 1008.988,
1008.784, _, 1008.559, 1007.503, 1007.409, 1007.006, 1006.774, 1006.152,
_, 1006.434, _ ;
zm = 3030, 10600, 7760, 6690, 3860, 5750, 6360, 8980, 7200, 4390, _, 5060,
11400, 6820, 2800, _, 4980, 6270, _, _, 6410, 4350, 5030, 12200, 6690,
1740, _, _, 8900, 17500, _, _, 5490, 5870, 6860, _, 7520, _, 6770, 7270,
9540, _, 9970, 7270, 8940, 3430, _ ;
iso_dataset = "" ;
product = "" ;
projection = "" ;
There is also a simpler table: ftp://ftp.knmi.nl/pub_weerberichten/tabel_10min_data.html but no historical data can be fetched.
The strategy for ETL could be to:
- use the historical for initial DB fill
- incrementally add, each hour, from the 10-minute data.
8.2. ETL Implementation¶
In this section the ETL is elaborated.
As with AQ the ETL is performed in these steps:
- Incremental download of source data and preparation
- Raw data for stations and measurements to Postgres tables, “Core Weather Data”
- SOS ETL: transform and publish “Core Weather Data” to the 52N SOS DB via SOS-Transactions (SOS-T)
8.2.1. Stations ETL¶
Needs to be done once. Open source tools like ncdump
and GDAL (http://www.gdal.org/frmt_netcdf.html) exist to extract data from the NetCDF file. We’ll use ncdump
. Install on Linux via
apt-get install netcdf-bin
, on Mac OSX via brew install netcdf
The ETL is done in the following steps (see Git dir /data/knmi/stations
wget http://data.knmi.nl/inspire/download/waarneemstations/1/noversion/0000/00/00/STD___OPER_P___OBS_____L2.nc.zip
unzip to
create a text-readable Net CDF dump.
ncdump STD___OPER_P___OBS_____L2.nc > stations.ncdump.txt
create CSV from
using custom Python program../stations2csv.py > stations.csv
commandline withstations.vrt
for DB mappings to read into PostGIS
8.2.2. ETL Step 1. - Harvester¶
8.2.3. ETL Step 2 - Raw Measurements¶
This step produces raw weather measurements.
Two tables: stations
and measurements
. This is a 1:1 transformation from the raw weather data harvested in Step 1.
The measurements
table refers to the stations
by a FK station_code
(WMO in source data). The table etl_progress
used to track the last file processed from lml_files
. Measurements¶
8.2.4. ETL Step 3 - SOS Publication¶
In this step the Raw Weather data (see Step 2) is transformed to “SOS Ready Data”, i.e. data that can be handled by the 52North SOS server. “SOS Transactions” (SOS-T) have been proven to work well for the LML AQ data. So from here on publication via SOS-T is further expanded. SOS Publication - Stetl Strategy¶
Similar to SOS-T for AQ. SOS Publication - Sensors¶
This step needs to be performed only once, or when any of the original Station data changes.
The Stetl config https://github.com/Geonovum/sospilot/blob/master/src/knmi/stations2sensors.cfg
uses a Standard Stetl module, inputs.dbinput.PostgresDbInput
for obtaining Record data from a Postgres database.
"request": "InsertSensor",
"service": "SOS",
"version": "2.0.0",
"procedureDescriptionFormat": "http://www.opengis.net/sensorML/1.0.1",
"procedureDescription": "{procedure-desc.xml}",
"observableProperty": [
(need observable properties: Temperature, Wind direction etc)
"observationType": [
"featureOfInterestType": "http://www.opengis.net/def/samplingFeatureType/OGC-OM/2.0/SF_SamplingPoint"
The SOSTOutput module will expand {procedure-desc.xml}
with the Sensor ML template. SOS Publication - Observations¶
The Stetl config
The Observation template looks as follows.
"request": "InsertObservation",
"service": "SOS",
"version": "2.0.0",
"offering": "http://sensors.geonovum.nl/knmi/offering/{station_code}",
"observation": {{
"identifier": {{
"value": "{unique_id}",
"codespace": "http://www.opengis.net/def/nil/OGC/0/unknown"
"type": "http://www.opengis.net/def/observationType/OGC-OM/2.0/OM_Measurement",
"procedure": "http://sensors.geonovum.nl/knmi/procedure/{station_code}",
"observedProperty": "http://sensors.geonovum.nl/knmi/observableProperty/{observation_type}",
"featureOfInterest": {{
"identifier": {{
"value": "http://sensors.geonovum.nl/knmi/featureOfInterest/{station_code}",
"codespace": "http://www.opengis.net/def/nil/OGC/0/unknown"
"name": [
"value": "{municipality}",
"codespace": "http://www.opengis.net/def/nil/OGC/0/unknown"
"geometry": {{
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [
"crs": {{
"type": "name",
"properties": {{
"name": "EPSG:4326"
"phenomenonTime": "{sample_time}",
"resultTime": "{sample_time}",
"result": {{
"uom": "deegrees",
"value": {sample_value}
It is quite trivial in sosoutput.py
to substitute these values from the measurements
-table records.
Like in ETL Step 2 the progress is remembered in the table rivm_lml.etl_progress
by updating the last_id
after publication, where that value represents the gid
value of rivm_lml.measurements
. SOS Publication - Results¶
TO BE SUPPLIED Via the standard SOS protocol the results can be tested:
- GetCapabilities: http://sensors.geonovum.nl/sos/service?service=SOS&request=GetCapabilities
- DescribeSensor (station 275, Deelen): to be supplied
- GetObservation: to be supplied