14. Dissemination

This chapter collects various presentations and documents related to dissemination events like workshops and presentations. All “raw” documents can be found in the project GitHub repository at https://github.com/Geonovum/sospilot/tree/master/docs/_static/dissemination.

14.1. Presentation 27 okt 2014

Presentation at RIVM on the SOSPilot project in particular LML to SOS and EU Air Quality Reporting.

14.2. Workshop 17 dec 2015

In the context of the Smart Emission project <http://www.ru.nl/gpm/onderzoek/research-projects/smart-emission> a workshop was held at Geonovum on Dec 17, 2015. The main subjects were:

  • presenting OGC standards in general (WMS, WFS, CSW) and in particular Sensor-related (SWE, SOS)
  • hands-on demo’s for several clients and visualisations (QGIS, ArcGIS and Heron)